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My Story - Michelle Bianco

Michelle Bianco

OK...Deep goes. I always knew wanted more but it just seemed to not work for me as I had planned. I dreamed of meeting the right man and settling down and starting a family. I met the right man but my dream of starting a family stalled. Infertility hit me like a truck out of nowhere. How could this be? Why me? I felt alone and I felt like a failure. In fact I felt like a failure for 10 years. Yes, I spent 10 years trying every medical option possible to have children. We had so many procedures, tests, injections, acupuncture, and more, that we lost count. Yes, more than 10 years my life, were broken down into 28 day cycles of disappointment.

“I felt alone…I felt like a failure!”

I refused to give up because that is my natural personality. I’m a pit bull at heart because I refuse to be told NO! Needless to say I hit rock bottom. During this time I was a Director of Employee Relations for a major company and on the outside I looked like I had my shit together but on the inside I was a mess. My job was to help and guide our teams through difficult situations and sometimes impossible problems that were brought into the workplace but I was suffering inside my own body. My body that had failed me and was continuing to breakdown. Toward the end of this period in my life, my failure and disappointment had manifested itself into daily and unbearably migraines. A typical month for me consisted of a migraine on average of 27 out of 31 days.

“I hit rock bottom”

Then came, what for me was the lowest point in my life, I was having a migraine with brainstem aura (MBA) while I was driving home from work. I pulled to the side of the road, my body was paralyzed, dizzy, disoriented, and tunnel vision that finally left me unable to see. Next thing I knew I was in an ambulance headed to the closest hospital. I recall ambulance not moving very fast and no sirens. In my own crazy way I asked why we were not moving faster and no siren. The paramedic said that we only do that in an ‘emergency’. Really??

"I vowed to myself that I would do whatever it took to change my life"

That day would turn out to be the first day of my life. I would not allow myself to suffer any longer. I vowed to myself that I would do whatever it took to change my life, my thought process and my direction. I used my ferocious appetite for research and learning to determine how to eventually breakthrough and discover the fire that burned deep inside me. I quit my corporate director job after 20 years and dove headfirst into what I call my renaissance period. I sought every empowerment resource available to repair my mind and body.

Love and compassion had held me together during those difficult times and I knew I would use my life experience to empower others with my own unique practice focused on supporting the needs of women. I started supporting groups of women who were battling infertility. These lady warriors needed support and I wanted to be the one who could be there for them in their time of need and desperation. As each month passed I became more in tune with what I wanted and deserved for my life. I knew that involved supporting women and empowering them to live life on their terms.

"I became more in tune with what I wanted & deserved”

I went to school upon school to learn how to maximize human potential. I wanted to drive women to want to do even more tomorrow than they did today. I studied Neuro Linguistic Programming which describes the fundamental dynamics between our mind, our language and how and how it affects our body and behavior. I also became obsessed with the Tony Robbins formula for unlocking and unleashing the forces inside a person that can help them break through any limit and create the quality of life they desire.

With a thirst for continued development, I became a Results Coach for Robbins. Literally, it was a three month interview to join this team of professionals. In this position, I specialize in women's peak performance development, and after years of personal one on one coaching and amassing over 5,000 hours of one on one personal coaching session’s, I was honored to become a Master Results Coach. I have spent the last few years with a prolific coaching agenda working with on average of 75 clients, multiple times per month, continually perfecting and refining my ability to change lives.

During this time, I started my own company, truly dedicated to working with women from all areas, focused on crushing self-doubt. Today, I live my life by my own personal design, with explosive energy, laser sharp focus, and sassy fun. I make it my absolute priority to be focused completely on my clients development and prosperity. My personal mission is to see my clients connecting with their ultimate purpose, igniting passion, and achieving their vision of life, career, finances, health and relationships.



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